
Название (Русский) Отправлять
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Sending
Описание (Английский) A Sender plans the Path (along with Source and Goal) of a Theme and places it in circumstances such that it travels along this Path under the power of some entity other than the Sender. This frame also has a Recipient distinct from the Goal, as both can be present:
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harakat konseptlari be sent : посылаться
send : посылать, послать, отсылать, отослать, отправить, отправлять
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Konseptlar
Goal : Цель The end of the path and intended goal of the sending. I SENT the logs to the shed.
Recipient : Реципиент This is the recipient of the sent Theme. Tess MAILED a letter to Abby
Sender : Отправитель This is the person who initiates the movement of the Theme and, unlike Carrying, does not accompany it.
Theme : Тема The objects being sent. I mailed the books to Alaska. Note that Theme may be multiply instantiated. They MAILEDa questionnaire with a return envelope.
Transport_means : Транспортные средства The mode of sending employed. I SHIPPED the crops by bigrig .
Container : Контейнер A container in which the Theme is sent.
Cotheme : Сотема An additional theme sent along with the main Theme.
Degree : Мера Degree to which event occurs
Depictive : Описание Depictive phrase describing the Sender or Theme
Distance : Расстояние This FE is any expression characterizing the extent of motion of the Theme. Pat THREW the Javelin 50 meters.
Explanation : Объяснение The Explanation for the sending.
Manner : Манера Manner of performing an action
Path : Путь Path along which movement occurs. I shipped the books along Interstate 65.
Place : Место A spatial setting encomnpassing the Source location, where the Sending event takes place.
Purpose : Цель The Purpose of the sending.
Source : Источник The beginning of the path, similar to source except that it serves to define the path. I sent wood from Illinois to California.
Time : Время When the sending takes place