
Название (Русский) Статус секретности
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Secrecy_status
Описание (Английский) A Phenomenon, which may be an activity, state or object, is purposefully hidden from the awareness of a potential Cognizer. The person responsible for the hiding of the Phenomenon is not part of this frame and cannot be syntactically realized. The potential Cognizer may be realized, but is in fact rarely expressed. A period of Time during which the Phenomenon is secret may be indicated.
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harakat konseptlari
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Konseptlar
Phenomenon : Феномен The Phenomenon is the activity, state or object that is purposefully hidden from the awareness of a potential cognizer.
Cognizer : Познаватель The Cognizer is the person who might become aware of the Phenomenon if it was not concealed.
Communicative_force : Коммуникативная_сила This FE indicates the Communicative_force or authority with which the target operates (often denoted by words such as "officially," "formally," "technically," etc.).
Degree : Мера This FE identifies the Degree to which the Phenomenon is hidden from cognizers.
Time : Время A period of Time during which the Phenomenon is hidden from the awareness of potential cognizers.