Topic : Тема |
The Topic is the subject that the Experiment is studying. |
Treated_individual : Рассматриваемый элемент |
An individual subject that receives treatment and is then compared to the Control_group or Controlled_individual. |
Treatment_group : Рассматриваемая группа |
A group of subjects that receive Treatment and are compared to the Control_group or Controlled_individuals. |
Control_group : Контрольная группа |
The group of entities in the Experiment which have not been treated and are compared to the Treatment_group or Treated_individual. |
Control_group_member : Член контрольной группы |
An individual entity of the Experiment which is left untreated and then compared with the Treatment_group or the Treated_individual. |
Experiment : Эксперимент |
The test or Experiment conducted by the Experimenter using a Control_group and a Treatment_group. |
Experimenter : Экспериментатор |
The Experimenter is the individual conducting the Experiment. |
Hypothesis : Гипотеза |
The Hypothesis is a conjecture as to the result of an Experiment. The Experiment takes place in order to prove the Hypothesis as correct or incorrect. |
Subjects : Предметы |
В этом фрейме Контрольная группа и Treatment_group могут быть объединены и выражены как Предметы. Этот FE может также использоваться для обычного человека, на котором проводится эксперимент (см. Второй пример). |
In this frame Control_group and Treatment_group can be combined and expressed as Subjects. This FE can also be used for a generic individual on whom the Experiment is being conducted (see second example). |
Time : Время |
The Time at which the Experimenter conducts the Experiment. |
Phenomenon : Феномен |
A property that belongs to either the Control_group or the Treatment_group. Usually expressed by a PP. |
Place : Место |
The Place in which the Experiment is conducted. |
Descriptor : Дескриптор |
A Descriptor identifies a characteristic or description of the Experiment or the Subjects not captured by any other frame element. |
Duration : Длительность |
The amount of time the Experiment lasts. |
Instrument : Инструмент |
A tool used in conducting the Experiment. Usually expressed by a with-PP. |
Result : Результат |
The Result depicts the outcome of the Experiment. |