
Название (Русский) Вторгаться
Описание (Русский) Захватчик входит в Землю в агрессивной попытке покалечить или доминировать над ее народом и его правительством.
Название (Английский) Invading
Описание (Английский) The Invader enters a Land in an aggressive attempt to cripple or dominate its people and its government.
Идентификатор для разметки
Гипероним Attack : Атака
Концепты действий
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Концепттер
Invader : Захватчик The army or other self-directed entity that is entering the Land in a hostile manner.
Land : Территория The political area that is being crippled by the Invader's entry.
Circumstances : Обстоятельства Circumstances describe the state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the event itself and any of its participants.
Containing_event : Содержащее_событие This FE denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event or state of affairs reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part.
Degree : Мера This FE describes how intense the invation of the Land is.
Depictive : Описание This FE is used for any Depictive phrase describing the state of the Invader or Land while the Invasion occurs.
Duration : Длительность For how long the Land is invaded by the Invader.
Event_description : Описание_события In general, this FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole and describes and describes the event more generally.
Explanation : Объяснение A state of affairs that the Invader is responding to that leads them to make an assault on the Land.
Frequency : Частота How often the Invader invades the Land.
Iterations : Итерации The frame element Iterations is used for expressions that indicate the number of times an event or state (of the kind denoted by the target in its clause) has taken place or held. Form: once, twice, Cardinal expression + /it times, /it lots/a lot
Manner : Манера Any description of the event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including epistemic modification (probably, presumably, mysteriously), force (hard, softly), secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of an Invader that also affect the action (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
Means : Средство An intentional action performed by the Invader that accomplishes the assault.
Particular_iteration : Конкретная_итерация Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states. In addition, most expressions of Particular_iteration indicate which instance of the series is being referred to.
Path : Путь The Path refers to (a part of) the ground over which the Invader travels.
Period_of_iterations : Период_итерации The length of time from when the event denoted by the target began to be repeated to when it stopped.
Place : Место This FE identifies the location where the Invader invades the Land.
Purpose : Цель This FE identifies the purpose for which an Invader attacks the Land.
Re-encoding : Перекодирование This FE presents the current frame as an integral part of a larger conceptualization expressed by another frame. The frame expressed by the target typically corresponds to a Means action within the frame expressed by the Re-encoding, but not necessarily.
Result : Результат The Result of the invasion on the Land by the Invader.
Source : Источник The starting-point of the motion of the Invader or projectiles of the Invader as they move toward the the Place that the Land is occupying in the attack. In prepositional phrases, the prepositional object expresses the starting point of motion. With particles, the starting point of motion is understood from context.
Time : Время This FE identifies the time when the Invader invades Land.
Type : Тип This FE indicates the subtype of invasion into the Land.
Weapon : Оружие An entity used by the Invader to assist in the invasion of the Land.