Объект тұжырымдамасы

serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)

Сандық идентификатор 2665
Таксономический код [2665, 2547, 2466, 2074, 19, 13, 11, 2, 1]
Атауы (орыс тілі) военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
Атауы (ағылшын тілі) serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
Гипероним skilled worker : квалифицированный работник
artilleryman : артиллерист, пушкарь
bluejacket : военный матрос
commando : командос
counter-intelligence agent : контрразведчик (тот, кто служит в контрразведке)
draftee : призывник
enlisted person : военнослужащий
gunner (a serviceman in the artillery) : наводчик (военнослужащий в артиллерии)
KGB serviceman : чекист (сотрудник ЧК)
machine-gunner : пулемётчик, пулеметчик
mortar man : миномётчик, минометчик
occupier : оккупант, интервент
officer : офицер
veteran : ветеран
Байланыстырушы түбірлі морфемалар
черӱчил (Сын есім)
jуу (Зат есім)
черӱчил (Зат есім)
hərbi (Зат есім)
ғәскәри (Зат есім)
çапăçу (Зат есім)
çар (Зат есім)
вăрçă (Зат есім)
вăрçăллă (Зат есім)
çap (Зат есім)
әскер (Зат есім)
чааxы (Зат есім)
военный (Зат есім)
аскерлик (Зат есім)
военнослужащий (Зат есім)
хәрби (Зат есім)
askeri (Сын есім)
Байланысқан көпсөзді атаулар
м военный черӱчил - serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
дженкке аит - serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
арбий адам - serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
в разн значениях askeri - serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)
в значении м asker - serviceman (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force) : военнослужащий, военный (someone who serves in the armed forces; a member of a military force)