Impactee : Влияемый |
The entity which is hit by the Impactor. |
Impactor : Импактор |
The entity that hits the Impactee. |
Impactors : Импакторы |
The multiple entities that collide. |
Depictive : Описание |
The state of the Impactors or the Impactor during the impact. |
Explanation : Объяснение |
The reason for which an Impact occurs. |
Force : Сила |
The amount of force in the course of the impact. |
Manner : Манера |
Manner of performing an action |
Period_of_iterations : Период_итерации |
The Time throughout which the impact repeatedly takes place. |
Place : Место |
Where the event takes place. |
Result : Результат |
Result of an event |
Speed : Скорость |
The speed at impact. |
Subregion : Субрегион |
Subregion identifies the affected part of the larger whole. |
Time : Время |
When the event occurs. |