
Название (Русский) Мстить
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Revenge
Описание (Английский) This frame concerns the infliction of punishment in return for a wrong suffered. An Avenger performs a Punishment on a Offender as a consequence of an earlier action by the Offender, the Injury. The Avenger inflicting thePunishment need not be the same as the Injured_party who suffered the Injury, but the Avenger does have to share the judgment that the Offender's action was wrong. The judgment that the Offender had inflicted an Injury is made without regard to the law.
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Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Avenger : Мститель The Avenger exacts revenge from the Offender for the Injury.
Injured_party : Пострадавшая сторона This frame element identifies the constituent that encodes who or what suffered the Injury at the hands of the Offender. Sometimes, an abstract concept such a person's honour or their blood is presented as the element that has suffered the Injury. These also constitute instances of Injured_party
Injury : Повреждение The Injury is the injurious action committed by the Offender against the Injured_Party. This Frame Element need not always be realized, although it is conceptually necessary.
Offender : Преступник The Offender has committed the earlier Injury for which the Avenger seeks revenge.
Punishment : Наказание The Avenger carries out a Punishment in order to exact revenge on the Offender.
Degree : Мера This FE identifies the Degree to which an event occurs.
Depictive : Описание Depictive identifies a phrase describing the actor of an action.
Duration : Длительность The length of time that the Avenger seeks revenge for the Injury.
Instrument : Инструмент This FE identifies the Instrument with which the revenge is performed.
Manner : Манера This frame element refers to the Manner in which the Avenger exacts their revenge from the Offender.
Place : Место This FE identifies the Place where the revenge occurs.
Purpose : Цель This FE identifies the Purpose for which the revenge is performed.
Result : Результат This FE identifies the Result of inflicting punishment for a wrong suffered.
Time : Время This FE identifies the Time when the revenge occurs.