
Название (Русский) Раскрыть секрет
Описание (Русский) Спикер раскрывает информацию, которая ранее была секретной для Адресата. В некоторых случаях ожидается, что Адресат содержит Информацию от других сторон. Информация может нанести ущерб репутации Спикера. Вместо докладчика (или в дополнение к нему) также может быть упомянуто средство. Таким же образом вместо информации может быть указана тема. Некоторые лексические единицы в этом фрейме подразумевают, что Адресат уже столкнулся с Информацией.
Название (Английский) Reveal_secret
Описание (Английский) A Speaker reveals Information that was previously secret to an Addressee. In some cases, the Addressee is expected to keep the Information from other parties. The Information may be damaging to the reputation of the Speaker. Instead of (or in addition to) a Speaker, a Medium may also be mentioned. Likewise, a Topic may be stated instead of Information. Some lexical units in this frame imply that the Addressee has already been confronted with the Information.
Идентификатор для разметки
Гипероним Statement : Высказывать
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Topic : Тема The Topic is the subject matter about which the Speaker is speaking. It normally only appears with noun targets, or in special constructions.
Information : Информация Information identifies the content that the Speaker reveals to the Addressee. It can be expressed as a clause or as a noun phrase.
Medium : Среда Medium is the physical entity or channel used by the Speaker to transmit the statement.
Speaker : Оратор The Speaker is the sentient entity that reveals the Information (whether spoken or written).
Depictive : Описание The state of the Speaker during the statement.
Descriptor : Дескриптор A characteristic of the revealed secret.
Event_description : Описание_события In general, this FE is used for phrases that describe the clause of the target as a whole especially any descriptions of the state of affairs denoted by the target as role fillers in other frames.
Frequency : Частота Frequency is defined as the number of times the Reveal_secret event occurs per some unit of time. A Frequency expression answers the question "how often."
Internal_cause : Внутренняя причина The emotional or physical state of the Speaker that leads to the revelation.
Location_of_protagonist : Расположение главного героя This FE is used to indicate the location of a participant in cases where the multiple participants of an event are not co-located in the typical fashion. In Release 1.2, this FE has various frame-specific names including Location of perceiver, or Location of participant; it was even (incorrectly) labelled Place in some frames.
Manner : Манера Manner is any description of the revelation which is not covered by more specific FEs, including epistemic modification (probably, presumably, mysteriously), secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of the Speaker that also affect the revelation (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully, maliciously).
Means : Средство An act whereby the Speaker makes a revelation.
Period_of_iterations : Период_итерации This FE describes the length of time from when the event denoted by the target began to be repeated to when it stopped.
Place : Место The FE specifies the Place where the Information is revealed.
Source_material : Исходный материал The medium in which the secret Information origninally resided.
Re-encoding : Перекодирование An alternative description of expressed action.
Time : Время The Time when the revelation is made.
Addressee : Адресат The Addressee is the person to whom the Information is revealed.
Completeness : Полнота The degree to which Information is revealed.
Containing_event : Содержащее_событие This FE identifies an event during which the Speaker reveals Information.