Cause : Причина |
The Cause is an animate or inanimate entity, a force, or event that produces an effect. Volitionality is not a necessary characteristic of Causes. |
Configuration : Конфигурация |
A state that holds of the Patient or a relation that holds among the constituent parts of the Patient as a result of the arranging action. |
Deformer : Деформатор |
The Deformer is the one who does the reshaping. |
Patient : Пациенс |
The Patient is the entity acted on and that undergoes a change. |
Circumstances : Обстоятельства |
The conditions under which the Patient is shaped. |
Containing_event : Содержащее_событие |
This FE denotes an event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at a time that includes the time during which the event or state of affairs reported by the target occurs and of which it is taken to be a part. |
Degree : Мера |
The degree to which the Patient is reshaped. |
Explanation : Объяснение |
The Explanation indicates a state of affairs that the Deformer is responding to in performing the reshaping. |
Goal : Цель |
The location that the Patient ends up in. |
Imposed_purpose : Навязанная_цель |
The state of the Patient with respect to the change that the Deformer brings about by making the adjustment. |
Instrument : Инструмент |
This FE identifies the Instrument with which the Deformer affects the Patient. |
Iterations : Итерации |
The FE Iterations indicates the number of times the reshaping has occurred. |
Locus : Локус |
The Locus is the locus of the reshaping action; it is essentially a simultaneous Instrument and Resistant_surface. |
Manner : Манера |
The FE Manner identifies the manner in which an Deformer intentionally affects the Patient. |
Means : Средство |
The FE Means identifies the means by which the Deformer intentionally affects the Patient. |
Place : Место |
The Place indicates where the Deformer intentionally affects the Patient. |
Purpose : Цель |
This FE identifies the purpose for which the Deformer intentionally affects the Patient. |
Resistant_surface : Устойчивая поверхность |
The Resistant_surface is the surface against which a Deformer presses the Patient. |
Result : Результат |
The Result is the shape the Patient becomes. |
Subregion : Субрегион |
The part of the Patient which is directly affected by the reshaping. |
Time : Время |
The FE Time identifies when the Deformer intentionally affects the Patient. |