
Название (Русский) Резервировать
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Reserving
Описание (Английский) In this frame, a Booker brings about a situation where an Organization plans to provide Services to a Client at a particular Scheduled_time. The Organization has authority over when Services are provided to whom. The Booker usually has to communicate and negotiate with the Organization to plan the Services for a mutually agreeable Scheduled_time. Usually, there is a Payment as well.
Идентификатор для разметки
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Booker : Букер Субъект, который напрямую связывается с Организацией. Во многих, если не в большинстве случаев, Букер также является Клиентом, но роли также могут быть разделены, например туристический агент. The entity that contacts the Organization directly. In many if not most cases, a Booker is also a Client, but the roles may also be separated, e.g. a travel agent.
Client : Клиент The entity that is intended to receive the Services of the Organization.
Organization : Организация The entity that enters into its records the request of the Client to retain Services in the future.
Scheduled_time : Назначенное время The future point in time when the Client arranges for the Organization to provide Services.
Services : Услуги The goods or labor that the Client requests the Organization preserve for future consumption or rendering.
Manner : Манера Any description of the event as a whole ("the same way") or a characteristic of the Booker during the action that holistically affects the event ("sloppily").
Means : Средство An action or methodology used by the Booker to bring the reservation about.
Payment : Оплата The amount paid to the Organization in exchange for the Services.
Place : Место The location the Booker performs the action.
Purpose : Цель The situation that the Booker intends to bring about by reserving.
Time : Время The time at which the reserving event takes place.