
Название (Русский) Не забывать делать
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Remembering_to_do
Описание (Английский) A Cognizer thinks of and performs an Action that is a self- or other-imposed task or some other kind of desirable behavior. The Action may involve a Salient_entity in some way affected by the Cognizer. If a Salient_entity is mentioned, the Action is left unexpressed.
Идентификатор для разметки
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Action : Действие An Action that the Cognizer is supposed to carry out. This may be a Task imposed specifically on the Cognizer or it may be self- or socially imposed.
Cognizer : Познаватель The person who thinks of or fails to think of an obligatory or desireable Action.
Salient_entity : Заметная_сущность The Salient_entity is a person or thing that the Cognizer needs to affect or effect when carrying out the Action.
Frequency : Частота This FE describes how often the Action is performed by the Cognizer.
Time : Время A Time when the Cognizer remembers or fails to carry out an Action.