
Название (Русский) Остаток
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Remainder
Описание (Английский) A Resource is depleted by some process, resulting in there being only a Remainder in existence some time into or after the process. The original Resource may be indicated metonymically via reference to an Original_owner. The Location where the Resource is found may be expressed.
Идентификатор для разметки
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Original_context : Исходный контекст A temporal setting or event which metonymically stands for the entities that were in existence then. The Remainder is part of the Original_context. This FE occurs especially when abstract entities such as social institutions are seen as Resources.
Original_owner : Первоначальный владелец The individual who owned the Resource that is being depleted.
Remainder : Остаток The part of the Resource that the Process has not yet applied to.
Resource : Ресурс The original set of items to which the Depletive_process applies one after the other.
Beneficiary : Бенефициар An individual who may use the Remainder for his benefit.
Location : Местоположение The place where the Resource is found.
Time : Время The Time when the amount of the Resource that is let is assessed.