
Название (Русский) Сценарий приема посетителей
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Receive_visitor_scenario
Описание (Английский) A (potential) Visitor arrives at a location associated with a (potential) Host. The Host permits the Visitor to enter the location, and allows the Visitor to avail him/herself of available resources, in order to pursue some goal. The visit is often for social or entertainment reasons. After a temporary stay at the Host's location, the Visitor departs.
Идентификатор для разметки
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Host : Хозяин The Host allows the Visitor to remain with him/her to acheive a goal.
Visitor : Посетитель The Visitor temporarily remains with the Host in order to achieve his/her purpose.
Purpose : Цель The goal of the Host in allowing the Visitor to enter the Host's location.