
Название (Русский) Простое имя
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Simple_name
Описание (Английский) A Term is the linguistic sign conventionally used by a Speaker to refer to a type of Entity.
Идентификатор для разметки
Іс-қимыл тұжырымдамалары
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Тұжырымдамалар
Entity : Сущность The type of Entity that is conventionally referred to by a Term.
Term : Термин The linguistic sign that is used for referring to a type of Entity.
Speaker : Оратор A speaker or speech community that uses a Term to refer to a particular Entity.