
Исеме (Русча) Охотиться
Тасвирлама (Русча) Охотник пытается добыть Пищу себе для жизни, перехитрив или выслеживая ее. Охотник надеется, что попытка приведет к поимке и убийству живого существа, предназначенного для потребления человеком. Акт поиска Пищи по своей сути включает в себя помощь какого-либо инструмента, который может быть продолжением тела Охотника или артефактом, созданным или использованным для поиска, ловли и / или убийства пищи.
Исеме (Инглизчә) Hunting
Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) A Hunter tries to gain Food by way of outsmarting or tracking a living. The Hunter hopes the attempt will result in the catching and killing of the living entity that is intended for human consumption. The act of seeking Food inherently involves the assistance of some tool, which can be an extension of the Hunter's body or an artifact fashioned or exploited for the use of food seeking, catching, and/or killing.
Аннотацияләү идентификаторы
Гамәлләр концептлары
Фреймнардагы рольләр
Роль Тасвирлама (Русча) Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) Мәҗбүри роль Концептлар
Food : Еда Food is the sought-out item by the Hunter.
Ground : Земля This is the entity to which the Hunter pays attention. It is referred to as Ground because it serves as the background or context for the Food.
Hunter : Охотник The Hunter is the agent hoping to obtain Food.
Co-participant : Соучастник Co_participant is an entity that participates in a coordinated way in the same event as the primary protagonist, regardless of whether the protagonist, and hence the Co-participant, is more agent- or more undergoer-like.
Degree : Мера This FE identifies the amount of effort the Hunter puts into his attempt to obtain Food.
Duration : Длительность For what length of time the Hunter attempted to obtain Food.
Frequency : Частота How often the Hunter attempts to obtain Food.
Instrument : Инструмент The Instrument is used by the Hunter as a tool to help obtain Food. (This tool is not limited to typical artifacts and can be hands, arms, and other atypical hunting and fishing instruments.)
Manner : Манера The Manner in which the Hunter makes the attempt for Food.
Means : Средство This FE identifies the Means by which an attempt at achieving a Food obtainment.
Outcome : Исход The failure or success of an attempt.
Particular_iteration : Конкретная_итерация Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states.
Place : Место The greater geographic location where the Hunter attempts to obtain Food.
Purpose : Цель An action that the Hunter intends to accomplish by seeking Food.
Time : Время When the Time seeking action occurs.