
Исеме (Русча) Отправляться
Тасвирлама (Русча) Самодвижущийся начинает путешествие в Источнике, в определенном Направлении, как правило, имея в виду Intended_goal.
Исеме (Инглизчә) Setting_out
Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) A Self_mover begins a journey at a Source location, in a particular Direction generally setting out with an Intended_goal in mind.
Аннотацияләү идентификаторы
Гипероним Quitting_a_place : Покинуть место
Гамәлләр концептлары
Фреймнардагы рольләр
Роль Тасвирлама (Русча) Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) Мәҗбүри роль Концептлар
Self_mover : Самодвижущийся This is the entity which moves under its own power.
Source : Источник Any expression which implies a definite starting-point of motion expresses the frame element Source. In prepositional phrases, the prepositional object expresses the starting point of motion. In particles, the starting point of motion is understood from context.
Circumstances : Обстоятельства The state of the world (at a particular time and place) which is specifically independent of the departing event itself and any of its participants, and is merely peripherally related to the event as a whole.
Containing_event : Содержащее_событие An event that occurs or state of affairs that holds at the time of departure and which the departure is taken to be a part of.
Coordinated_event : Скоординированное событие The label Coordinated_event is to be used for phrases denoting an event (it does not allow states) that the departing is rhythmically aligned with. (This would then further require that the departing be iterated.) The Coordinated_event is conceived of as independent: it would occur regardless of the event expressed by the target, which is not even an incidental or optional sub-part of the Coordinated_event.
Cotheme : Сотема A second moving object which the Self_mover moves to follow.
Depictive : Описание The state of the Self_mover during the action.
Direction : Направление The direction in which the Self_mover goes.
Distance : Расстояние The distance from the Source that the Self_mover ends up.
Duration_of_final_state : Продолжительность конечного состояния The length of time that the Self_mover spends away from the Source.
Explanation : Объяснение A factor which explains the particular motion or manner of motion of the Self_mover.
Frequency : Частота The number of times that an action occurs in a given time.
Intended_goal : Предполагаемая цель Any expression which tells where the Self_mover intends to end up as a result of the motion.
Manner : Манера Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, means of motion, and other things count as Manner expressions.
Means : Средство An event involving the Self_mover that results in the Self_mover moving in the specified way.
New_situation : Новая_ситуация An unexpected event that affects some agent (usually the Self_mover), which is enabled by, and occurs after, the departing.
Path : Путь A relation to a landmark that describes the trajectory in the midst of the motion. (It is thus neither a Source nor the Intended_goal.)
Path_shape : Форма пути The configuration formed by the entire Path of the Self_mover, taken simultaneously.
Place : Место The Place is where the motion (which is specified by a Source, Path or Goal) is located.
Purpose : Цель The state-of-affairs that the Self_mover wishes to bring about.
Re-encoding : Перекодирование A larger conceptualization that includes the departing as an integral part. The departure expressed by the target typically corresponds to a Means action in this larger conceptualization.
Reciprocation : Взаимность An event paired with the motion, which explains why the motion is expected. In particular, Reciprocation is used to indicate an action that is being rewarded or punished by the motion, and/or is paired with the motion as the other side of an agreement.
Result : Результат The state of the Self_mover at the end of the event.
Speed : Скорость The Speed is the rate at which the Self_mover moves.
Time : Время The time at which the motion takes place.
Vehicle : Транспорт The device or bodypart that serves to move the Self_mover.