
Исеме (Русча) Разделять
Тасвирлама (Русча) Эти слова относятся к разделению целого на части или отделению одной части от другой. Разделение производится Агентом или Причиной и может быть произведено на основе некоторого критерия.
Исеме (Инглизчә) Separating
Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) These words refer to separating a Whole into Parts, or separating one part from another. The separation is made by an Agent or Cause and may be made on the basis of some Criterion.
Аннотацияләү идентификаторы
Гамәлләр концептлары divide : делить, поделить, разделить, разделять
divide : делиться, разделяться, подразделяться
separate : разъединить, разъединять
Фреймнардагы рольләр
Роль Тасвирлама (Русча) Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) Мәҗбүри роль Концептлар
Part_1 : Часть_1 Part-1 is the first of two Parts mentioned. This is most often the Object of a verb.
Part_2 : Часть_2 Part_2 is the second of two Parts mentioned. This is usually a PP Complement. First,
Parts : Части This refers collectively to the Parts resulting from separation of a Whole:
Whole : Целый The Whole is a single entity or an aggregate of entities which is separated into Parts. It is usually the NP Object of a target verb.
Agent : Агент With causative uses of these verbs, an Agent separates or divides something. The Agent is usually expressed as the External Argument:
Cause : Причина The Cause is the non-agent that brings about the separation.
Instrument : Инструмент The Instrument used to cause the separation.
Manner : Манера Manner of performing an action
Means : Средство An act of the Agent that accomplishes the separation.
Place : Место Where the separation occurs.
Time : Время This FE identifies the Time when the separation occurs.
Purpose : Цель The Agent's intent for separating the Whole.
Recipients : Реципиенты The Recipients are the groups who come into possession of the Parts of the Whole.
Result : Результат This FE identifies the Result of an event.
Criterion : Критерий This frame element expresses a property of the Parts or components of the Whole which is used as the basis for separation. Criterion is typically expressed as a PP headed by by, or as a complex PP of the form on the basis of....
Degree : Мера Degree to which event occurs
Depictive : Описание This FE identifies any Depictive phrase describing the Agent who separates or the undergoers of the separation.