
Исеме (Русча) Посещение: сценарий отбытия
Тасвирлама (Русча)
Исеме (Инглизчә) Visiting_scenario_departing
Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) An Agent departs from the Source, normally bound for their normal location. This is a point-of-view-neutral conception of the departure.
Аннотацияләү идентификаторы
Гамәлләр концептлары
Фреймнардагы рольләр
Роль Тасвирлама (Русча) Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) Мәҗбүри роль Концептлар
Agent : Агент This is the individual which moves under their own power.
Source : Источник Any constituent that expresses the initial position of the Agent, before the change of location, is tagged with Source. Often the Source is understood from context.
Manner : Манера Any expression which describes a property of motion which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion expresses the frame element Manner. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and many other things count as Manner expressions, though Speed and Means should be tagged using the more specific FE labels.
Means : Средство The action of the Agent which results in their departure.
Mode_of_transportation : Режим транспортировки The Mode_of_transportation expresses how the motion of the Agent is effected, by its body or by a vehicle which holds and conveys the Agent. Vehicles can move in any way and in any medium.
Path : Путь Any description of the trajectory of the departure which is neither a Source nor a Goal expresses the frame element Path.
Place : Место The Place is the location in which the departing takes place.
Purpose : Цель This FE identifies the Purpose for which the Agent departs from the Source.
Speed : Скорость This frame element labels words or phrases that describe how quickly the Agent is moving.
Distance : Расстояние The distance that the Agent has traveled.
Time : Время The Time at which the departure takes place.
Goal : Цель This FE labels any expression which tells where the Agent ends up, or would end up, as a result of departing from the Source.