
Исеме (Русча) Люди политического спектра
Тасвирлама (Русча)
Исеме (Инглизчә) People_along_political_spectrum
Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) An Individual belongs to a group that is categorized in terms of the political views on particular issues that the members of the group tend to share, in opposition to other groups that hold different beliefs on the issues. The views on particular issues that the Individual shares with the other members are assumed to result from general principles or beliefs rather than being accidental or temporary.
Аннотацияләү идентификаторы
Гипероним People : Люди
Гамәлләр концептлары
Фреймнардагы рольләр
Роль Тасвирлама (Русча) Тасвирлама (Инглизчә) Мәҗбүри роль Концептлар
Individual : Индивид The Individual who is referred to in terms of their place along the political spectrum.
Age : Возраст The Age is the length of time the Individual has been alive.
Descriptor : Дескриптор The Descriptor is a temporary condition of the Individual.
Domain : Домен A set of issues that is used to identify a sub-set of the group members.
Ethnicity : Этничность The Ethnicity is the religious, racial, national, socio-economic or cultural group to which the Individual belongs.
Origin : Происхождение The Origin is the place where the Individual was born or lived a salient part of her or his life.
Persistent_characteristic : Постоянная характеристика The Persistent_characteristic is a physiological characteristic or personality trait of the Individual which is conceived of as persisting over time.
Place : Место The location in which the Individual resides.
Position_qualifier : Квалификатор позиции A phrase that indicates more precisely the location in political space of the Individual relative to the center of the region designated by the target.