
Название (Русский) Враждебная встреча
Описание (Русский) Этот фрейм состоит из слов, которые описывают враждебное столкновение между противостоящими силами (Сторона_1 и Сторона_2, совокупно понимаемые как Стороны) по спорному вопросу и / или для достижения определенной Цели.
Название (Английский) Hostile_encounter
Описание (Английский) This frame consists of words that describe a hostile encounter between opposing forces (Side_1 and Side_2, collectively conceptualizable as Sides) over a disputed Issue and/or in order to reach a specific Purpose.
Идентификатор для разметки
Гипероним Intentionally_act : Действовать умышленно
Концепты действий war : воевать
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Концепттер
Issue : Проблема An unresolved question over which the two sides of a hostile encounter are in disagreement.
Purpose : Цель The desired result of the outcome of the hostile encounter for the Side_1 or for all the Sides collectively. It may either directly refer to the state of affairs that is desired, e.g.
Side_1 : Сторона_1 One of two participants in a hostile encounter.
Side_2 : Сторона_2 One of two participants in a hostile encounter, usually the second mentioned.
Sides : Стороны The jointly expressed sides in a hostile encounter.
Degree : Мера The Degree to which an event occurs.
Depictive : Описание A Depictive phrase describing the actor of an action.
Duration : Длительность The amount of time for which a state holds or a process is ongoing.
Explanation : Объяснение The Explanation for which an event occurs.
Instrument : Инструмент The Instrument with which an intentional act is performed.
Internal_cause : Внутренняя причина The body movement may be prompted by either some outside phenomenon or occurrence, or by an Internal Cause, the Agent's mental or emotional state. Internal Cause is expressed in a PP complement.
Manner : Манера Any expression which describes a property of the hostile encounter. Descriptions of the intensity count as Manner expressions.
Means : Средство Means describes the way in which a side engages in a hostile encounter.
Particular_iteration : Конкретная_итерация Expressions marked with this extra-thematic FE modify a non-iterative use of the target, and indicate that it is conceived as embedded within an iterated series of similar events or states.
Place : Место The location at which the hostile encounter takes place.
Result : Результат The Result of an event.
Time : Время The Time at which the hostile encounter occurs.