Название (Русский) |
Сценарий передачи |
Описание (Русский) |
Название (Английский) |
Transfer_scenario |
Описание (Английский) |
In this scenario, the Theme begins in the possession of the Donor and ends up in the possession of the Recipient. Alternatively, these two participants may be jointly construed as Transferors. |
Идентификатор для разметки |
Гипероним |
Концепты действий |
Роли в фреймах
Роль |
Описание (Русский) |
Описание (Английский) |
Обязательная роль |
Концепттер |
Donor : Донор |
The person that begins in possession of the Theme and causes it to be in the possession of the Recipient. |
Recipient : Реципиент |
The entity that ends up in possession of the Theme. |
Theme : Тема |
The object that changes ownership. |
Transferors : Передающие |
The Donor and Recipient conceived of as a unit. |