
Название (Русский) Испытание ощущения
Описание (Русский)
Название (Английский) Perception_experience
Описание (Английский) This frame contains perception words whose Perceivers have perceptual experiences that they do not necessarily intend to. For this reason we call the Perceiver role Perceiver_passive. Comparing the Perception_experience frame to the Perception_active frame, we note that for some modalities there are different lexical items in each frame. For instance, whereas Perception_experience has see, Perception_active has look at. For other sense modalities, we find the same lexical items in both frames. To illustrate, consider the verb smell where I smell something rotten exemplifies its Perception_experience use and Smell this to see if it's fresh exemplifies its Perception_active sense. This frame also includes words which are not specific to any sense modality, including detect, perceive, perception, sense.
Идентификатор для разметки
Концепты действий experience : пережить, испытать
hear : слышать, слыхать, услышать
perceive : воспринимать, ощущать
see : видеть
Роли в фреймах
Роль Описание (Русский) Описание (Английский) Обязательная роль Концепттер
Perceiver_passive : Пассивный воспринимающий This FE is the being who has a perceptual experience, not necessarily on purpose. It is typically expressed as an External Argument.
Phenomenon : Феномен This FE is the entity or phenomenon that the perceiver experiences with his or her senses. It is typically expressed as Object with verbs.
Body_part : Часть тела The Body_part is the location on the Perceiver_passive's body where the perceptual experience takes place. It is typically expressed in a PP.
Circumstances : Обстоятельства A situation which pertains during the event. This frame element is primarily used to highlight the event denoted by the target against a (potentially partially) causal or concessive background state-of-affairs.
Concessive : Консессив This FE signifies that the state-of-affairs expressed by the main clause (containing the target) occurs or holds, and something other than that state-of-affairs would be expected given the state-of-affairs in the concessive clause.
Contrastive_context : Контрастный контекст An element of the discourse that serves to contextualize the Phenomenon, with which it is directly related (i.e. filling a frame-element role of the Phenomenon or vice-versa). It contrasts with other contextually relevant elements that potentially (but do not actually) fill the same role.
Degree : Мера The Degree indicates the degree to which the Perception is experienced.
Depictive : Описание The State indicates predicate expressions that apply to the Phenomenon, providing some information about the state it is in while the Perceiver_passive experiences it.
Direction : Направление Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of a continuous situation (the one denoted by the target) to its end.
Duration : Длительность Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of a continuous situation (the one denoted by the target) to its end.
Frequency : Частота An expression of how often the event occurs.
Ground : Земля The Ground is the perceptual background against which the Phenomenon is experienced (or not experienced) by the Perceiver_passive. It can be distinguished from locative postnominal modifiers of the Phenomenon in negative contexts.
Location_of_protagonist : Расположение главного героя This FE identifies the Location_of_protagonist during the perceptual experience. It is typically expressed in a from-PP.
Manner : Манера Manner expressions may be of lexicographic interest if they describe properties of perception as such: clearly, loudly, etc.
Obscuring_medium : Затемняющая среда The Obscuring_medium is the medium through which the Phenomenon makes itself perceivable to the Perceiver_passive. This is similar to the Direction, but occurs in the opposite direction and implies a movement of the Phenomenon.
Means : Средство The action whereby the Perceiver perceives.
Time : Время The Time at which the Perceiver_passive or the Body_part perceives the Phenomenon.
Place : Место The general location within which the act of perception takes place.
State : Состояние State is the location, activity, or other characteristic of the Phenomenon.