
Ады (орыс) Начальный этап отъезда транспорта
Ады (английский) Vehicle_departure_initial_stage
Ады (английский) A Vehicle moves into position or otherwise changes configuration or state as preparation for normal operation. The focus of the event is on the state of the Vehicle rather than any agent which is manipulating the Vehicle.
Разметканыҥ идентификаторы
Действиениҥ концепттер
Роли в фреймах
Роль Ады (орыс) Ады (английский) Обязательная роль Концепттер
Source : Источник Any expression which describes the location that the Vehicle has been stationed at.
Vehicle : Транспорт The vehicle which moves into position for typical operation.
Circumstances : Обстоятельства This FE indicates the Circumstances under which the preparation of the Vehicle takes place.
Co-participant : Соучастник An individual or vehicle that is also involved in the preparations.
Depictive : Описание The state of the Vehicle during the preparations.
Duration_of_final_state : Продолжительность конечного состояния The length of the time that the Vehicle remains in the state of readiness.
Explanation : Объяснение The Explanation is a proposition from which the main clause logically follows.
Intended_goal : Предполагаемая цель The location that the Vehicle is bound for.
Manner : Манера Any description of the preparation for motion which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quietly, loudly), and general descriptions comparing events (the same way). It may also indicate salient characteristics of the Vehicle that affect the action (presumptuously, coldly, deliberately, eagerly, carefully).
Means : Средство An event in which the Vehicle participates which causes or enables it to travel.
Place : Место The Place describes the location where the Vehicle prepares for motion.
Result : Результат The Result of the Vehicle's motion.
Time : Время The Time when the Vehicle gets ready for motion.