
Ады (орыс) Передавать
Ады (английский) Passing
Ады (английский) An Agent physically transfers a Theme to a Recipient. The Agent is not under control of the Theme's motion after the initial input of energy. Compare with Bringing and Sending. In the former, the Carrier is in constant control (even physical contact) with the Theme. In the latter, the Sender plans the motion of the Theme and places it in circumstances such that it travels along the specified path (or to the specified goal), but under the power of a separate individual.
Разметканыҥ идентификаторы PASS
Действиениҥ концепттер be passed : проходиться, быть пройденным
Роли в фреймах
Роль Ады (орыс) Ады (английский) Обязательная роль Концепттер
Agent : Агент The Agent is the one who passes the Theme. The Agent is generally realized as the External Argument.
Area : Область The FE Area is used for expressions which describe a general area in which passing takes place when the passing is understood to be irregular or not to consist of a single, linear path. Locative setting adjuncts may also be assigned this frame element.
Initial_state : Начальное состояние A previous state that the Theme was in before the beginning of its motion.
Path : Путь The FE Path is any description of a trajectory of motion which is neither a Source nor Goal.
Recipient : Реципиент The FE Recipient is the entity which possesses the Theme as a result of the passing.
Result : Результат A resultant state that the Theme is in at the end of its motion.
Source : Источник The FE Source is the starting point of the passing action
Theme : Тема The FE Theme is generally an NP Object that is passed to the Recipient.
Depictive : Описание The state of a participant during the passing action.
Distance : Расстояние The FE Distance is any expression characterizing the extent of motion of the Theme.
Explanation : Объяснение This FE denotes a proposition from which the main clause logically follows.
Instrument : Инструмент An entity saliently involved in the transmission of force from an Agent to a Theme. It may be the Agent's bodypart, or some kind of device.
Manner : Манера The FE Manner is any expression which describes a property of the motion of the Theme which is not directly related to the trajectory of motion. Descriptions of steadiness, grace, and other things count as Manner expressions.
Means : Средство The FE Means indicates the action that is taken that results in the motion of the Theme
Place : Место The Place is the general area that provides a setting for a specific motion (with Source, Path, or Goal).
Time : Время The time at which the passing of the Theme occurs.