Perpetrator : Виновник |
The Perpetrator is the person (or other agent) that takes the Goods away by force or threats. |
Source : Источник |
Source is the initial location of the goods, before they change location. |
Victim : Жертва |
The Victim is the person (or other sentient being or group) that owns the Goods before they are taken away by the Perpetrator. |
Co-participant : Соучастник |
Co-participant denotes a person that participates in a coordinated way in robbery event as the primary protagonist, the Perpetrator. |
Explanation : Объяснение |
The state of affairs that the Perpetrator has in mind which leads to the decision to commit the robbery. |
Frequency : Частота |
The number of times a robbery event occurs. |
Goods : Товары |
The Goods are anything (including labor, time, or legal rights) that can be taken away. |
Manner : Манера |
The Manner describes the way in which the Robbery took place. |
Means : Средство |
The Means indicates the means by which the Robbery takes place. |
Place : Место |
The Place is where the Robbery occurs. |
Purpose : Цель |
The action that the Perpetrator is trying to accomplish by the robbery. |
Time : Время |
The Time indicates when the Robbery occurs. |