Owner : Владелец |
The entity that owns a posession. |
Possession : Собственность |
The thing which is owned by the Owner. Ex.: I HAVE twenty bucks. (This does not include bodyparts or medical conditions, but does include intellectual property, etc.) |
Depictive : Описание |
State of the Owner or Possession. |
Duration : Длительность |
Duration denotes the length of time from the beginning of a continuous situation (the one denoted by the target) to its end. In many cases, the continuous situation is a dynamic action which is ongoing, while in others it is simply an undifferentiated state. |
Explanation : Объяснение |
The reason for which the Owner has the Possession. |
Manner : Манера |
The way that the Owner possesses the Possession. |
Time : Время |
This FE indicates the Time interval during which the Owner has a possession. |