Cognizer : Познаватель |
The Cognizer realizes the existence of a deception and is not misled by it. |
Focal_entity : Центральная сущность |
The Focal_entity is a part of the deception (possibly also the agent behind it) which is perceived by the Cognizer to be misleading. |
Means : Средство |
An act performed by the Cognizer which enables them to figure something out. |
Medium : Среда |
Medium is the text created by the Cognizer to communicate that they came to believe a specified State_of_affairs. |
State_of_affairs : Положение_дел |
The State_of_affairs is intended to be perceived and taken to be true even though it is not. |
Topic : Тема |
Some verbs in this frame may occur with postverbal Topic expressions |
Degree : Мера |
The Degree to which the Cognizer comes to understand the State_of_affairs. |
Depictive : Описание |
Depictive phrase describing the Cognizer |
Manner : Манера |
Manner of performing an action |
Place : Место |
The location at which the Cognizer realizes the State_of_affairs. |
Time : Время |
The time at which the Cognizer discovers the State_of_affairs. |