
Name (Russian) Историческое событие
Description (Russian) В ходе истории Событие или Сущность считаются важными или значимыми.
Name (English) Historic_event
Description (English) In the course of history, an Event or Entity is taken to have importance or significance.
Markup identifier
Action concepts
Roles in frames
Role Description (Russian) Description (English) Is mandatory Concepts
Entity : Сущность This FE identifies the entity, concrete or abstract.
Event : Событие This FE identifies the event which occurs to create history.
Degree : Мера This frame element selects some gradable attribute and modifies the expected value for it.
Domain : Домен The Domain is (a characterization of) the type of event that is part of the Event's history.
Explanation : Объяснение This FE identifies the Explanation for which an event occurs.
Manner : Манера Any description of the event which is not covered by more specific FEs, including secondary effects (quietly, loudly) and general descriptions comparing events (the same way).
Place : Место This FE identifies where the event takes place.
Time : Время This FE identifies the time when the event occurs.