
Name (Russian) Острота
Description (Russian) Сущность имеет остроту, характеризующуюся ее способностью резать. Острота - это значение атрибута резкости.
Name (English) Sharpness
Description (English) An Entity has a Sharpness characterized by its capability to cut. The Sharpness is a value of the Attribute of sharpness.
Markup identifier
Action concepts
Roles in frames
Role Description (Russian) Description (English) Is mandatory Concepts
Attribute : Атрибут The sharpness feature of the Entity.
Degree : Мера A modifier expressing the deviation of the Sharpness from the norm or from the value for another Entity.
Entity : Сущность The Entity to which the Sharpness attribute is related.
Sharpness : Острота The Sharpness value of the Entity. This FE is denoted by the adjectives of the frame.
Circumstances : Обстоятельства Some specification of the Circumstances under which the Entity has a particular value for the Sharpness.
Time : Время The Time during which the Entity is in the state of having a particular value for Sharpness.