
Name (Russian) Тщательно изучить
Description (Russian) Познаватель внимательно изучает Землю, обращая внимание на присутствие Феномена.
Name (English) Scrutinizing_for
Description (English) A Cognizer examines a Ground closely, alert to the presence of a Phenomenon.
Markup identifier
Action concepts
Roles in frames
Role Description (Russian) Description (English) Is mandatory Concepts
Cognizer : Познаватель The Cognizer pays attention to an entity in order to discover something about it.
Ground : Земля The Cognizer pays attention to the Ground, so named because it serves as the background or context for the Phenomenon.
Phenomenon : Феномен The entity that the Cognizer is alert for in the Ground.
Degree : Мера This FE identifies the Degree to which the Cognizer scrutinizes the Ground.
Instrument : Инструмент An entity directed by the Cognizer that interacts with the Ground to accomplish the scrutiny.
Manner : Манера This FE identifies the Manner in which the Cognizer scrutinizes the Ground.
Means : Средство The action of the Cognizer which allows them to scrutinize the Ground.
Purpose : Цель The event that the Cognizer hopes to bring about by looking for the Phenomenon.