
Name (Russian) Источник получения
Description (Russian)
Name (English) Source_of_getting
Description (English) Basic Image Schema: the Trajector moves (or is conceived as moving) from the Source along the Path to the Goal using the Means.
Markup identifier
Action concepts
Roles in frames
Role Description (Russian) Description (English) Is mandatory Concepts
Goal : Цель A description of the location that the Trajector ends up.
Means : Средство The action or state-of-affairs that causes the Trajector to change location.
Path : Путь A description of the intermediate position of the Trajector, after departing the Source and before arriving at the Goal.
Source : Источник A description of the initial location of the Trajector, before a motion event begins.
Trajector : Траектор The entity that moves (or is conceived of as moving) from the Source, along the Path to the Goal.