
Name (Russian) Скупость
Description (Russian)
Name (English) Stinginess
Description (English) In this frame, a Resource_controller is judged by a Judge (who is usually implicit) according to how freely they allow the Recipient access to their Resource. The Resource_controller may exhibit this attitude with an Expressor.
Markup identifier
Action concepts
Roles in frames
Role Description (Russian) Description (English) Is mandatory Concepts
Behavior : Поведение The Behavior is an action of the Resource_controller which is judged to be generous or stingy.
Expressor : Экспрессор The Expressor is the body part or action by a body part which indicates the character of the Resource_controller.
Recipient : Реципиент The Recipient is the individual or individuals who receive or should receive the Resource from the Resource_controller.
Resource : Ресурс The Resource_controller controls the Recipient's access to the Resource.
Resource_controller : Контроллер ресурсов The Resource_Controller is the individual who controls access to the Resource.
Degree : Мера The Degree is how generous or stingy the Resource_controller is judged to be.
Judge : Судья The individual whose point of view is taken in assigning the judgment denoted by the target.
Manner : Манера A characterization of the way in which the Resource_controller exhibits stinginess.